So, I woke up early this morning (3:30 AM) so I can bike the course for my next triathlon in Oyster Bay.
The drive was about 35 minutes. I then decided to drive the course once I got there, before I started biking…guess what? NO F***ing light posts anywhere! No way I’m doing 10 miles in complete darkness (mental note, get a light for my bike).
I drove back home, missed the exit and got on Jericho Turnpike, the one way you DONT want to go if you are trying to go to the south shore….long story short, made it back home by 5:15 AM. Still wearing my bike exercise. I decided to still go out and bike for an hour, 20 miles or so. Guess what? Cidadas are out again! How do I know?…two of them flew right into me while I was biking, one smacking my face, the other getting stuck on my shirt…I was in an aero position at the time (using aerobars, tucked tight), so it went right down my shirt!. Fantastic!. Anyway, made it home by 6:15…typical morning at my wife was feeling sick (She’s pregnant), so I woke the kids, fed the baby, went outside, took the cover off the pool and it was full of sud… Started vacuuming the pool, skimmed it..done by 7:30 AM. Crystal wanted McDonalds pancakes, so I drove and got her some, got home…sud again (it’s actually minerals from Long Island water, so it dissolves before you vacuum it. But, I have to try something…).. Vacuumed again, 8:30 AM. Missed two trains, so I’m catching the 9:11 AM. I think I’ll bike it to the train station….
The sad thing is, this is pretty much my typical morning…now off to my “wonderful” job.
Ufff…Pero k fiebre de triathlons, no? Bueno, queria chequear a ver si me dejaba escribir un ‘comment’
What is a Cicada?